Native Honeybush Gin (750ml)

Native Honeybush Gin (750ml)

Native Gin is a light crisp gin composed of piney juniper and zesty citrus notes of lemongrass, lime and lemon peels. It is distilled with a complex blend of spices with heat from coriander seeds, cubeb berries, grains of paradise and the sweetness of liquorice root with the earthy finish of distilled honeybush.
Availability: In Stock
Product Type: Gin
R 450.00
R 450.00
Subtotal: R 450.00

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Native Honeybush Gin (750ml)

Native Honeybush Gin (750ml)

R 450.00

Native Honeybush Gin (750ml)

R 450.00

Native Gin is a light crisp gin composed of piney juniper and zesty citrus notes of lemongrass, lime and lemon peels. It is distilled with a complex blend of spices with heat from coriander seeds, cubeb berries, grains of paradise and the sweetness of liquorice root with the earthy finish of distilled honeybush.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Brandon Allen
Bright and flavourful

A bright and very flavourful gin, excellently enjoyed with Indian tonic to get the most out of the taste. Definitely a summer drink.